Featured Partners

At C1st Technologies, we are proud to collaborate with a select group of partners who share our commitment to excellence and innovation. Our featured partners, ActZero and Acronis, play a crucial role in our mission to provide comprehensive and cutting-edge IT solutions to our valued clients. Together, we are redefining the possibilities in the world of technology.

ActZero is at the forefront of the cybersecurity landscape. Our partnership with ActZero signifies our unwavering commitment to safeguarding your digital assets. We integrate ActZero's advanced threat detection systems and rapid response capabilities into our IT solutions. This ensures that your business is protected against evolving cyber threats, allowing you to focus on your core operations with confidence.



In today's data-driven world, our partnership with Acronis is a game-changer. We seamlessly incorporate Acronis's data protection and recovery solutions into our services, ensuring your data is secure, accessible, and recoverable at all times. From disaster recovery to data backup and storage management, our collaboration with Acronis equips us to provide top-tier data management services for your business.